Friday, October 31, 2008

Dramatic Monologue

So I get angry,
don't I have reason to be?
Put yourself in my position;
you would act just the same.
After all, I have been with him since the beginning.
Back when he was just Willie from the country,
back before I made him everything he is.
And what does he do to me?
He sleeps around with ninny girls who don't know the first thing about being a real woman.
Those pretty, high maintenance, never worked a day in their lives girls,
waiting for their prince to come whisk them away.
Well, let me tell you,
I could have been one of those girls.
I could've sold my soul for the sake of security.
But no, I live in the real world.
I've fought tooth and nail to get where I am today
and I'll be dammed if some little tart on skates or any other footwear takes that away from me.
He'll come to his senses.
He'll come back.
He always does.
Who am I to judge what kind of person that makes me?
Who am I to care?
Caring what others thought never got me anywheres.
I could quit all this in a second.
The tables could turn and I could be the one two-timing that son-of-a-bitch.
I just choose not to.
But don't think it's because i couldn't do it,
because I'm weak or inferior to him.
I mean, after all, I'm the one who made him what he is.
That sad wife of his, she just can't handle life at these speeds.
Stay at home, on the farm,
feed the chickens and the kids,
and patch up those worn out pants while you're at it.
No thanks, that's not the life for me.
I'd rather take on the real world and kick it in its two front teeth.
That's why Willie and I get on so good.
We see things for what they really is.
All those other bimbos he gets chummy with are just pretendin'.
Try as hard as you'd like,
he's mine and no one elses.
That's why he'll come back,
like he always does.
One day when all this foolin 'round is done
I will put my guard down.
He will tell me just how beautiful I really am
and how all those others were just mistakes.
And we won't get in these big ole battles.
And we'll take on each day together,
with no fighting or covers or secrets.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

I really like the voice here. Post a picture of Sadie too like it says in the directions and i will raise your grade. I like how you got inside her mind. She could not be a pretty girl though. Remember that. Her face is all pock marked. How does that form her and alter what she really might say or think? Include those thoughts too. - elms