Thursday, October 2, 2008

Found Poem

The little leap and plunk in my heart
like a frog jumping into a Lily pool;
drunk as a hoot owl
on ice-water-blue eyes;
while blood pounds in my head to make me dizzy.
The whole air would vibrate with a sound like an electric fan.
The truth was there and didn't need writing down.
Every night I would look at the telephone.
I would say to myself:
It is going to ring.


Jake said...

reminds me of frogger

APLITghosts said...

Did it ring? It needs one more transition to smooth things over and make the narrative flawless. I like it. I'm not sure about the connection between the owl and the pool. Smooth that transition over and the whole thing will work swimmingly as a unit. - I like it. - elmeer