Friday, December 5, 2008

Vocab Poem

this heat is so imperious you can feel it engulf you. it's prevailing and all powerful. you feel as if you could lift it off and assuage yourself. but knowing that you can't forces you to accept it; relish it. from my perch on the asperous gray railing, the horizon spans an empire so capacious my mind is incapable of cognizing its grandeur. the sun sinks down into its deep blue bed, as i envy their unwavering bond. the perennial gray wood i sit on does not hide its scars. it seems as if it may have been blue once long ago. before it served its time and gained its weathered marks. ashamed of them it is not; this wood hold stories, secrets, and memories few others have been fortunate enough to witness.

impervious: adj.- impenetrable
engulf: v.- to swallow up, submerge
assuage: v.- to make milder; relieve
asperous: adj.- rough, uneven
capacious: adj.- capable of holding much, vast
cognize: v.- to precieve, know
grandeur: n.- great importance, majesty
unwavering: adj.- enduring, perpetual
prevailing: v.- general, dominant

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

spoken like a true sun worshipper. nice job. - elmeer