Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FSU Essay

The values embodied in vires, artes, and mores, are reflected in my life through my service, goals, and relationships.
Vires signifies strengths. The best example of my strength shows through my hard work ethic and my dedication to service. I continually participate in service projects within my local community, from the Ronald McDonald House to peer tutoring. I have also participated in three week long mission trips to the Gulf Coast region. Here, I worked with other volunteers and Habitat for Humanity to help areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina. These trips were both physically and emotionally challenging. However, service opportunities such as these have truly enriched my life and made me a better person. On one trip a group of us stopped at a local store. Within the first ten minutes of entering, four different people approached and personally thanked us for volunteering. This incident had a profound effect on me I will never forget. Through serving others I have learned valuable lessons about appreciation and helping others.
The value I place in intellectual pursuits manifests itself through my academic courses and leadership positions. I am involved in many school clubs such as National Honor Society, Student Government, and Mission Club and have held leadership positions in each. I also manage my time between my competitive swim team and a heavy academic course load. I dedicate eighteen hours a week to my swim team; this includes practices before and after school, and Saturday mornings. I also enjoy challenging myself with honors and AP courses and will continue to do so throughout college. While these pursuits keep me extremely busy, they have taught me organizational and time management skills, and given me the experience I need to continue to succeed.
The final concept of mores signifies one of the most important yet most difficult concepts to define. Character is not defined by words but by our actions and examples. Mores undoubtedly reflects directly on vires and artes and vice versa. My most prominent characteristics include honesty and a genuine desire to help people. I believe these two qualities are evident through my dedication to service as displayed in both working for others and working with others to accomplish great things. I have participated in and lead many retreats at my high school and I am also a member of my county’s teen court. While these duties require a great amount of responsibility and leadership, the rewards they yield make all the work worth while.
The fact that Florida State University emphasizes these three concepts and all they embody confirms my belief that I will benefit immensely from becoming part of that community but also; that the community can benefit from what I have to contribute. I hope to continue my commitment to service, academics, and leadership throughout my college and professional years. I know that Florida State will help me to do so and prepare me for the success I know I have to ability to achieve.

1 comment:

el Hugo said...

did you get accepted?